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Rules for Bidgood League
                 (amended for rule changes approved at 83rd AGM on 26th Octobber 2022)

 1) The League shall be called the “Bidgood League”


 2) Membership of the League shall be open to all affiliated member clubs of the Harrow & District Bowling Association.   Clubs not already within the league, and clubs wishing to enter additional teams must notify the Association of their intention (and commitment) to join by the 15th August prior to season start in order to facilitate the scheduling of fixtures.   Notifications should be sent to the Webmaster ( ).


 3) All matches shall be played in accordance with the laws of the game as formulated by World Bowls and published by Bowls England.


 4) Depending on the number of entries, the League may be divided into sections or divisions. The Officers of the Association shall decide these divisions. In the event of two or more divisions being formed, promotion and relegation will take place at the conclusion of each season’s competition. This movement will normally be “two up” and “two down”.


 5) In September the list of clubs within each division for the following season will be published on the website.   In addition the website "fixture process" will be updated specifying the home/away status for each competing club.  Each club will agree with their opponents on which evening the match shall be played. Clubs may mutually agree to play on a weekend.   Each club should submit a copy of its Bidgood fixture list to the Webmaster as soon as they have been agreed, but no later than the end of March prior to the season start.

     Clubs MAY NOT mutually / independently agree to reverse the scheduled venue or change the scheduled venue to a neutral green. This is to avoid clubs having an imbalance between home and away games compared with the other clubs in the league.

     In extreme circumstance (for example, inclement weather, green closure, green vandalism) clubs may submit an email request to the Webmaster asking for approval by an Officer to be allowed to make a venue change, to ensure that all fixtures are complete


 6) Clubs entering an "A" and "B" team must provide a list of "A" team players to the Webmaster ( ) before their first  club Bidgood match, all other club members will be deemed to be "B" team players.  Nominated "A" team players may NOT play for the "B" team, however a "B" team player may play for the "A" team once during the season and return to the "B" team, if the player should play for the "A" team a second time then he/she must remain in the "A" team for the rest of the season.


 7) Each team shall consist of six players forming two triples. There are no restrictions in the number of women players in each triple. All players taking part must be bona fide members of the club they represent. Players may only play in the Bidgood League for one club each season.


 8 - i) The normal start time shall be 18.15 hours week nights or, if agreed, 1000 hours weekend mornings. By mutual agreement between the 2 participating clubs matches may be played at alternate times e.g. 1400 Weekdays. A maximum of 15 minutes shall be allowed for any delay. Where such delay exceeds 15 minutes, the points will be awarded to the non-offending club. Use of the mat for the first end shall be decided by the toss of a coin.


     ii) Allocation of rinks – The home side will select the rinks to be used for the match, these will be depicted for rink allocation purposes by the use of an identifying marker e.g. numbered disc, playing card etc. The away Captain will then shuffle the home sides scorecards and place them at random on the chosen identifying markers. The home Captain will then repeat the process with the away sides scorecards to complete the process.


 9) Each match shall consist of a maximum of 18 ends for each triple; fewer ends may be played providing the respective Captains agree before the commencement of the match. In the event of a match being abandoned before its full conclusion the result will stand providing an aggregate of 18 ends have been played across the 2 triples. If 18 ends have not been played then the match should be replayed on a mutually convenient date. If this fails then the match shall be declared void.


 10) Where clubs are unable to fulfil a fixture, within 7 days of the initially arranged date they MUST mutually agree to rearrange a later date up to and including the 1st Friday in September.


 11) A club in contention for winning the league, or gaining promotion, cannot do so having taken advantage of a conceded game unless in the opinion of the Officers of the Association, “adequate attempts” have been made by both clubs to re arrange the game.


 12) The dress for these matches shall be grey trousers and either white shirts or shirts of a colour and design appropriately approved by the MBA. All members of the playing side must be wearing the same colour shirt.


 13) The home club shall pay any green fees due.


 14) The aggregate score of the 2 triples shall determine the winner. 1 point will be awarded for each winning triple with a further 2 points to the overall aggregate winner. In the event of a triple drawing, each team will receive ½ a point and in the event that the overall match is drawn each team will receive 1 point.


 15) Should a club be unable to field a team or arrive short of the requisite number of players, the points will be awarded to the opponents. In addition, 5 shots will be added to the non-offending team score and 5 shots deducted from the offending teams score.


 16) After each fixture the home club shall submit the results via the website using the "results reporting" facility in addition the appropriate result sheet will signed by both Captains and retained by the home club for reference in case of any dispute of the results displayed on the website. In addition for matches in which clubs have an "A" and "B" team in the league then an electronic copy (eg photo or scan) of the signed result sheet listing the names of the players in the "A" and/or "B" team should be sent to the Webmaster ( )

                                                                                  N.B. for 2023 onwards send to Andy Docker 07976 815973 or 


 17) The winner of the League will be the club with the highest number of points. In the event of two or more clubs having the same number of points, the higher positive shot difference will decide the winner. Should this not produce a winner, then the club winning the higher number of matches will be the winner. If all these methods fail to produce a winner then the trophy will be shared.


 18) The organiser, together with the Principal Officers of the Association will decide any matter in dispute.



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