Founded 1938
Patron / Chair Peter Lavender, Treasurer Cliff Short, Competition Secretary Rod Fraser, Middlesex Regulatory Officer Andy Docker. 21 club representatives were present representing 15 clubs.
John Lever (Website administrator ).
In the absence of Secretary Steve Flain the minutes were taken by Cliff Short. In the absence of John Lever to present the administrative proposals from the Committee these were read out by Rod Fraser.
“Kevin Keffe” should be “Kevin Keefe”. No other issues raised.
There was no Secretary report.
This was presented by Cliff Short. The accounts are in a very healthy state with £3600 in our current account and £7600 in our deposit account. This year we roughly broke even on income versus expenditure. Our costs now include engraving of permanent trophies and full reimbursement of refreshments provided by clubs at Semi Finals and Finals.
The season had completed successfully but there were a high number of walk-overs given, 32 out of 143 games. Rod re-emphasised the rule that results must reach the Competition Secretary no later than 10 30 p.m. on the last day of the round, by telephone if necessary. In cases where a game is conceded it is important that the winner ensures this message is relayed to the Competition Secretary by the end of the round. Failure to do so will result in disqualification of both Players / Teams.
Rod thanked the Clubs that had provided venues for semi-finals and finals.
Next year the website will clarify the number of ends to be played in the competitions. Rod asked Clubs to find a volunteer to fill the role of Vets League / Cup organiser as the work of organising trophies and venues for these competitions, as well as all the other competitions, had been too much of a burden.
ACTION – All Clubs
Some trophies for the season had already been presented, and others were handed out at the meeting. Reimbursements for Clubs and members getting trophies engraved is in progress (Cliff Short organising). The Vets League Division 2 trophy has been missing for some years and may need replacing if it cannot be found.
ACTION – Cliff Short
The following were proposed, seconded and duly elected :-
Secretary: Steve Flain (not present so needs to be ratified by Steve)
Treasurer: Cliff Short
Competition Secretary: Rod Fraser
Member (also Webmaster): John Lever
Member: Andy Docker
Andy Docker is willing to continue as Auditor.
Proposals A1 and A2 were ACCEPTED.
Proposals B1 and B3 were ACCEPTED, BUT with the proviso that they are looked at again in 2023 to deal with some anomalies that emerged at the meeting e.g. Pinner, in the 2023 season, will have their B team in a higher league than their A team.
ACTION – John Lever
Proposals C1, C2, D, E, F were ACCEPTED.
Proposal G. Though the change proposed was only a minor tidy up to bring the Vets League in line with the Bidgood League by having a specific proposal of allocation of points in the case of void games when a player turned up late, it generated a debate on whether the penalty for late arrival was too punitive, and what the balance should be regarding loss of points and loss of shots. The meeting felt that that this should be reviewed in the 2023 Rule Change proposals. In the interim it was felt to be wrong to make a minor change this year which would also have effectively reaffirmed the current rule. This proposal was REJECTED.
ACTION – John Lever
Proposal H was ACCEPTED.
Proposal I. Due to similar concerns expressed as for Proposal G this proposal was REJECTED.
Proposals J, K, L were ACCEPTED.
Proposals M1 and M2. The creation of 3 smaller Bidgood divisions with each team playing home and away. Concern was expressed by some clubs that the extra games created would be hard to fulfil with the low number of players they have available. These proposals were REJECTED.
Proposal N. The right of home players to offer just one rink to their opponents in individual competitions (not team games). Andy Gurney said that this change would be wrong as it was contrary to the direction at higher levels of the game and a draw for rinks was the norm at most clubs. Cliff Short said that drawing for rinks was not the norm in his experience, but the exception. Imposing it would create administrative problems for Clubs. The proposal had a tied vote but was REJECTED on the casting vote of the Chairman.
11. A.O.B.
Harrow and Ladygate have both offered to host the finals in 2023. The meeting voted to choose Ladygate in 2023. Harrow will be approached to see if they will host the finals in 2024.
ACTION – Rod Fraser
The days for the Vets League Cup Semi Finals and Finals are still to be agreed.
ACTION – Rod Fraser
Season 22/23 Proposals FOR AGM (26th October 2022
Proposal A - 26/8/22 from Webmaster - Joining the league CARRIED - A.1 and A.2
To amend rule 2 of the Bidgood and Veterans leagues to clarify the process for joining and amend the deadline date:
A.1. Bidgood league rule 2 : Membership of the League shall be open to all affiliated member clubs of the Harrow & District Bowling Association. Clubs not already within the league, and clubs wishing to enter additional teams must notify the Association of their intention (and commitment) to join by the 15th August prior to season start in order to facilitate the scheduling of fixtures. Notifications should be sent to the Webmaster ( h.and.dba@outlook.com )
Instead of current rule: Membership of the League shall be open to all affiliated member clubs of the Harrow & District Bowling Association.
A.2. Veterans league rule 2 : Membership of the league shall be open to all affiliated Clubs of the Harrow & District Bowling Association. Clubs not already within the league, and clubs wishing to enter additional teams must notify the Association of their intention (and commitment) to join by the 15th August prior to season start in order to facilitate the scheduling of fixtures. Notifications should be sent to the Webmaster ( h.and.dba@outlook.com )
Instead of current rule: Membership of the league shall be open to all affiliated Clubs of the Harrow & District Bowling Association. Applications to join the league must be received by the District Association by the last day in July of the season prior to that in which they wish to compete.
Proposal B - 26/8/22 from Webmaster - "A" and "B" team participation CARRIED B.1 and B.3
To amend rule 6 of the Bidgood and rule 4 of Veterans leagues to clarify the participation in "A" & "B" teams.
B.1. Veterans league rule 4 : In September the list of clubs within each division for the following season will be published on the website. Each club will arrange their matches with their opposition for the following year as convenient. Each club must submit a copy of their fixture list to the Webmaster as soon as they have been agreed, but no later than the end of March prior to the season start.
Clubs entering an "A" and "B" team must provide a list of "A" team players to the Webmaster ( h.and.dba@outlook.com ) before their first club Veterans match, all other club members will be deemed to be "B" team players. Nominated "A" team players may NOT play for the "B" team, however a "B" team player may play for the "A" team once during the season and return to the "B" team, if the player should play for the "A" team a second time then he/she must remain in the "A" team for the rest of the season.
Instead of current rule: In September the list of clubs within each division for the following season will be published on the website. Each club will arrange their matches with their opposition for the following year as convenient. Each club must submit a copy of their fixture list to the Webmaster as soon as they have been agreed, but no later than the end of March prior to the season start. Clubs with more than one entry must also provide a list of players who will play in either their “A” or “B” teams before their respective opening fixtures. Members of the “B” squad may play once for the “A” squad without then being barred from re-joining the “B” squad afterwards.
B.2. Bidgood league rule 6 : Clubs entering an "A" and "B" team must provide a list of "A" team players to the Webmaster ( h.and.dba@outlook.com ) before their first club Bidgood match, all other club members will be deemed to be "B" team players. Nominated "A" team players may NOT play for the "B" team, however a "B" team player may transfer to the "A" team during the season but must then remain in the "A" team for the remainder of the season.
Instead of current rule: Clubs with more than one entry must provide a list of players who will play in either their “A” or “B” teams before their respective opening fixtures. A player already on one team list who has not yet played for that team in the current season shall be permitted to play for the other team. In this event he is automatically transferred to the team list for which he has played and cannot play for his original team that season.
Or to be consistent with Veterans league and allow "B" team members to play one "A" team game
B.3. Bidgood league rule 6 : Clubs entering an "A" and "B" team must provide a list of "A" team players to the Webmaster ( h.and.dba@outlook.com ) before their first club Bidgood match, all other club members will be deemed to be "B" team players. Nominated "A" team players may NOT play for the "B" team, however a "B" team player may play for the "A" team once during the season and return to the "B" team, if the player should play for the "A" team a second time then he/she must remain in the "A" team for the rest of the season.
Instead of current rule: Clubs with more than one entry must provide a list of players who will play in either their “A” or “B” teams before their respective opening fixtures. A player already on one team list who has not yet played for that team in the current season shall be permitted to play for the other team. In this event he is automatically transferred to the team list for which he has played and cannot play for his original team that season.
Proposal C - 26/8/22 from Webmaster - "A" and "B" team result reporting CARRIED C.1 and C.2
To amend rule 16 of the Bidgood and rule 10 of Veterans leagues regarding reporting of "A" & "B" teams.
C.1. Veterans league rule 10 : After each fixture the home club submit the results via the website using the "results reporting" facility in addition the appropriate result sheet will signed by both Captains and retained by the home club for reference in case of any dispute of the results displayed on the website. In addition for matches in which clubs have an "A" and "B" team in the league then an electronic copy (eg photo or scan) of the signed result sheet listing the names of the players in the "A" and/or "B" team should be sent to the Webmaster ( h.and.dba@outlook.com )
Instead of current rule: After each fixture the home club submit the results via the website using the "results reporting" facility in addition the appropriate result sheet will signed by both Captains and retained by the home club for reference in case of any dispute of the results displayed on the website.
C.2. Bidgood league rule 16 : After each fixture the home club shall submit the results via the website using the "results reporting" facility in addition the appropriate result sheet will signed by both Captains and retained by the home club for reference in case of any dispute of the results displayed on the website. In addition for matches in which clubs have an "A" and "B" team in the league then an electronic copy (eg photo or scan) of the signed result sheet listing the names of the players in the "A" and/or "B" team should be sent to the Webmaster ( h.and.dba@outlook.com )
Instead of current rule: After each fixture the home club shall submit the results via the website using the "results reporting" facility in addition the appropriate result sheet will signed by both Captains and retained by the home club for reference in case of any dispute of the results displayed on the website.
Proposal D - 26/8/22 from Webmaster - Women in Bidgood Triple CARRIED
At the last AGM restrictions of the number of women in a Vets triple was removed and it was suggested that a similar proposal be put forward fat the next AGM to amend rule 7 of the Bidgood League
D Bidgood league rule 7 : Each team shall consist of six players forming two triples. There are no restrictions in the number of women players in each triple. All players taking part must be bona fide members of the club they represent. Players may only play in the Bidgood League for one club each season.
Instead of current rule: Each team shall consist of six players forming two triples. Up to 2 players may be female, limited to 1 female per triple. All players taking part must be bona fide members of the club they represent. Players may only play for one club each Bidgood League Season.
Proposal E - 26/8/22 from Webmaster - update rule 8 of Veterans League to make clear that a person can only play for one team as also stated in the Bidgood rules CARRIED
E Veterans league rule 8 : Every competing player shall be 60 years of age or over on the day of the fixture in question and must be a member of the club who they are representing. There are no restrictions on the number of ladies who make up the triples. No player may represent more than one club.
Instead of current rule: Every competing player shall be 60 years of age or over on the day of the fixture in question and must be a member of the club who they are representing. There are no restrictions on the number of ladies who make up the triples.
Proposal F - 26/8/22 from Webmaster - update rule 9 of Veterans League to reflect the normal start time CARRIED
F Veterans league rule 9 : All league matches to be played on Mid Week afternoons. Unless mutually agreed all league games to have a fixed starting time of 2.00p.m.
Instead of current rule: All league matches to be played on Mid Week afternoons. Unless mutually agreed all league games to have a fixed starting time of 2.30p.m.
Proposal G - 26/8/22 from Webmaster - update rule 11 of Veterans League to clarify allocation of shots and points and timing for insufficient players REJECTED
G Veterans league rule 11 : Method of scoring – 2 points for overall win, 1 point for a tie. 1 point for each winning triple, ½ point for each drawn triple. Thus there will be 5 points at stake in each match. If 15 minutes after the start time one team arrives short of players, the full 5 points will be awarded to the non-offending team in addition 5 shots will be added to the non-offending team, and 5 shots deducted from the offending team.. If both teams arrive short of players the game will be void, both teams will be awarded 2.5 points.
Instead of current rule: Method of scoring – 2 points for overall win, 1 point for a tie. 1 point for each winning triple, ½ point for each drawn triple. Thus there will be 5 points at stake in each match. Should one team arrive short of players, the full 5 points and +10 shots difference will be awarded to the opponents. If both teams arrive short of players the game will be void.
Proposal H - 2/9/22 from Century - update Veterans League and Cup rules to reduce age limit to 55 as discussed at last years AGM CARRIED
H.1. Veterans league rule 8 : Every competing player shall be 55 years of age or over on the day of the fixture in question and must be a member of the club who they are representing. There are no restrictions on the number of ladies who make up the triples.
Instead of current rule: Every competing player shall be 60 years of age or over on the day of the fixture in question and must be a member of the club who they are representing. There are no restrictions on the number of ladies who make up the triples.
H.2. Veterans league Cup rule 8 : Each player must be 55 years of age or over on the day of the match and be a member of the club who they are representing. There are no restrictions on the number of ladies who make up the triples. Each club may choose the composition of their own triples.
Instead of current rule: Each player must be 60 years of age or over on the day of the match and be a member of the club who they are representing. There are no restrictions on the number of ladies who make up the triples. Each club may choose the composition of their own triples.
Proposal I - 2/9/22 from Webmaster - in the event of a match being abandoned the Veterans League rules explicitly state that the points be split equally However the Bidgood rules are silent on the point allocation, the following amended Bidgood rule is intended to rectify that silence. REJECTED
I Bidgood league rule 9 : Each match shall consist of a maximum of 18 ends for each triple; fewer ends may be played providing the respective Captains agree before the commencement of the match. In the event of a match being abandoned before its full conclusion the result will stand providing an aggregate of 18 ends have been played across the 2 triples. If 18 ends have not been played then the match should be replayed on a mutually convenient date. If this fails then the match shall be declared void and 2 points awarded to each team.
Instead of current rule: Each match shall consist of a maximum of 18 ends for each triple; fewer ends may be played providing the respective Captains agree before the commencement of the match. In the event of a match being abandoned before its full conclusion the result will stand providing an aggregate of 18 ends have been played across the 2 triples. If 18 ends have not been played then the match should be replayed on a mutually convenient date. If this fails then the match shall be declared void.
For your information the equivalent Veterans League rule 14 states:- In the event of a match being abandoned before its full conclusion the result will stand provided that an aggregate of 18 ends has been played across the 3 triples. If 18 ends have not been played then either the points will be split 2.5 each or if a mutually convenient date can be arranged the match can be replayed.
Proposal J - 5/9/22 from Webmaster - in accordance with rule 3 of Veterans League the following structure and make up of the Divisions for next season is submitted for approval at the AGM: CARRIED
Division 1
Harrow A
Northwood A
Stanmore A
Stanmore B
Division 2
Bessingby Park
Harrow Weald
Woodcock Park A
Division 3
Deane Park
Harrow B
Northwood B
West Harrow
Woodcock Park B
Proposal K - 5/9/22 from Webmaster - update rule 3 of Veterans League to remove the administrative requirement of AGM approval, as is the case for the Bidgood League. CARRIED
K Veterans league rule 3 : The League will be divided into Divisions, the number of divisions and the make up of each division to be determined by the Officers of the Association promotions and relegation will take place at the conclusion of each season, this movement will normally be “one up” and “one down”
Instead of current rule: The League will be divided into Divisions, the number of divisions and the make up of each division to be determined by the Executive and approved at the AGM.
Proposal L - 5/9/22 from Treasurer - CARRIED
L It is proposed that all fees for 2022-2023 remain the same as for the year 2021-22
Proposal M - 21/9/22 from Harrow - Change the format of Bidgood League to THREE divisions (Premier, One, and Two) and play all teams in the Division both Home and Away. This would require the following rule amendments REJECTED
M.1. Bidgood league rule 4 : The League will be divided into Divisions, the number of divisions and the make up of each division to be determined by the Officers of the Association promotions and relegation will take place at the conclusion of each season, this movement will normally be “one up” and “one down”
Instead of current rule: Depending on the number of entries, the League may be divided into sections or divisions. The Officers of the Association shall decide these divisions. In the event of two or more divisions being formed, promotion and relegation will take place at the conclusion of each season’s competition. This movement will normally be “two up” and “two down”.
M.2. Bidgood league rule 5 : In September the list of clubs within each division for the following season will be published on the website. Each club will arrange their matches with their opposition for the following year as convenient. Each club must submit a copy of their fixture list to the Webmaster as soon as they have been agreed, but no later than the end of March prior to the season start.
Instead of current rule: In September the list of clubs within each division for the following season will be published on the website. In addition the website "fixture process" will be updated specifying the home/away status for each competing club. Each club will agree with their opponents on which evening the match shall be played. Clubs may mutually agree to play on a weekend. Each club should submit a copy of its Bidgood fixture list to the Webmaster as soon as they have been agreed, but no later than the end of March prior to the season start.
Clubs MAY NOT mutually / independently agree to reverse the scheduled venue or change the scheduled venue to a neutral green. This is to avoid clubs having an imbalance between home and away games compared with the other clubs in the league.
In extreme circumstance (for example, inclement weather, green closure, green vandalism) clubs may submit an email request to the Webmaster asking for approval by an Officer to be allowed to make a venue change, to ensure that all fixtures are complete
Proposal N - 3/10/22 from Northwood - Update the Competitions rules to ensure that members in Harrow and District competitions can continue to select the rink for their home games. There has been a recent change at national level in which players offer a choice of rinks for their home games, but this is not a requirement at District level. However, if we do not have a specific rule on this, we may find ourselves subject to the national rule by default. If competitors had to offer a choice of rinks this would be a problem for Clubs where there is competition for rinks and a rink booking system requires them to pre-book the rink they plan to use. To reserve two rinks when they will only use one would be unfair on other players at their Club. REJECTED
N Amend Competitions rule 11 : The generally accepted start time for matches will be 6.15pm Monday to Friday and 10a.m. Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. Matches can be played at any other convenient time subject to mutual agreement. Competitors are not required to offer their opponents a choice of rinks for home games, but may do so if they wish. If a competitor arrives more than 30 minutes after the time fixed for the game, the other may claim a "walk over". Such claims must be made to the Competition Secretary by 10.30 p.m. on the scheduled date of the game in accordance with Rule 8.
Instead of current rule: The generally accepted start time for matches will be 6.15pm Monday to Friday and 10a.m. Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. Matches can be played at any other convenient time subject to mutual agreement. If a competitor arrives more than 30 minutes after the time fixed for the game, the other may claim a "walk over". Such claims must be made to the Competition Secretary by 10.30 p.m. on the scheduled date of the game in accordance with Rule 8.