Founded 1938

In the Chair President Peter Lavender supported by 1 Officer, Auditor Cliff Short. 21 club delegates, Andy Docker ( Middlesex Regulatory Officer ),giving a total attendance of 25 representing 15 clubs.​
Bryn Grewcock ( Honorary Treasurer), Uxbridge, Ruislip.
President Peter opened the meeting by welcoming everybody and thanking everyone for attending, he then asked everyone to stand in a moments silent memory of friends and colleagues who had passed since the last meeting
TREASURER- Cliff Short (Auditor) standing in for Bryn circulated a copy of his accounts report before the meeting (copy on file)and answered any queries that arose .John Lyttle (Hendon) proposed and Terry Griffiths (Kingsbury) seconded, that the accounts be accepted. All present were in favour.
COMPETITION SECRETARY- Rod Fraser reported that all competitions were completed on time (a copy on file) and thanked Tony Waller (past honorary secretary), Peter Lavender and all at Lupton B.C. for organising finals day on my behalf due to my incapacity. A letter has been placed on the website thanking all those clubs that offered their services for all the semi-finals and to Harrow B.C. who hosted the vets cup semi and finals.
LEAGUE SECRETARY- John Lever (webmaster) was asked to explain all the details of the league system, now that Kevin Keefe had now retired, having to rely on vets captains to forward all results to him. John is setting up a system to make it a lot easier for next season and will provide information to all clubs via the website in due course. All details of the ups and downs of league tables are currently on the website. A vote of thanks were given by everyone.
BIDGOOD SECRETARY- Derek Mowle stated that due to the new format on the website encouraging results to be sent to the website by all clubs and after thanking John Lever for the work he had done Derek stepped down from the role of Bidgood Secretary. Rod Fraser thanked Derek for all the hard work he had done over the years and a vote of thanks was given by everyone.
5. PROPOSALS (LIST ON FILE and listed below)-
1(3) Changes to the Vets League with regards to rules 4,10,13 and 17, and changes to Bidgood league with regards to rules 5,7,12 and 17, a good discussion was held and everyone agreed to the changes. Note to all clubs to clarify all vets and bidgood entries to be submitted by July 31st. When put to the vote the proposal was carried.
2-(5) In accordance with rule 3 of the vets league the structure was set out by the webmaster for the three divisions for approval at the A.G.M. When put to the vote the proposal was carried.
3-(1) Changes to Bidgood League rules with regards to points deduction was discussed and when put to the vote the proposal was rejected.
4- change rule 8 Vets League to allow more female members to participate in matches, after a quick discussion it was put to the vote and the proposal was carried.
5-(2) Changes to Vets League to change format from 3 triples to 2 triples was discussed and when put to the vote the proposal was rejected.
6- Andy Docker ( Middlesex Regulatory Officer ) spoke on behalf of Middlesex County Bowling Associationas to why this proposal should not be heard, therefore it was removed from the agenda. An amendment to be made to constitution changing rule 9 from All games shall be played under the laws of the International Bowling Board,to laws of World Bowls.
7- Treasurer proposed to leave all fees the same next year.When put to the vote the proposal was carried.
7. A.O.B.
As there was no other business Peter thanked Herga for the use of their facilities and everyone for attending. He declared the meeting closed at 19.50hrs
Season 21/22 Proposals for AGM (24th November 2021)
1-(3) 21/22 AGM Proposal No. 3 (22/10/2021) from Webmaster CARRIED
During 2021 the processes for scheduling fixtures and reporting the results of matches underwent several changes, not least because of the lack of a Secretary for the Veterans League. For 2022 we are now facing the prospect of no Secretary for both the Veterans League and the Bidgood League, and also the Rules for both those leagues are not consistent with the actual processes. Therefore in order to update the Rules to reflect the actual processes and more importantly make it clear what should happen in 2022 season the following amendments are proposed:
A. Veterans league rule changes:
A.1. Rule 4 In September the list of clubs within each division for the following season will be published on the website. Each club will arrange their matches with their opposition for the following year as convenient. Each club must submit a copy of their fixture list to the Webmaster as soon as they have been agreed, but no later than the end of March prior to the season start. Clubs with more than one entry must also provide a list of players who will play in either their “a” or “b” teams before their respective opening fixtures. Members of the “b” squad may play once for the “a” squad without then being barred from re-joining the “b” squad afterwards.
Instead of the current rule :- Each club entering the league shall be provided, in September, with a list of clubs within their division with whom they shall arrange their matches for the following year as convenient. Each club must submit a copy of their fixture list to the League Secretary before their opening fixture. Clubs with more than one entry must also provide a list of players who will play in either their “a” or “b” teams before their respective opening fixtures. Members of the “b” squad may play once for the “a” squad without then being barred from re-joining the “b” squad after wards.
A.2. Rule 10 After each fixture the home club submit the results via the website using the "results reporting" facility in addition the appropriate result sheet will signed by both Captains and retained by the home club for reference in case of any dispute of the results displayed on the website.
Instead of the current rule :- After each fixture the home club shall send to the League Secretary the appropriate result sheet signed by both Captains, within 7 days.
A.3. Rule 13 Should a team be unable to play on the date agreed, the full 5 points will be given to the opponents. In exceptional circumstances, with the agreement of both Captains a request to reschedule the match (including abandoned matches) may be submitted by email to the Webmaster who will forward it to an officer of the Association for approval.
Instead of the current rule :- Should a team be unable to play on the date agreed, the full 5 points will be given to the opponents. In exceptional circumstances matches (including abandoned matches) may be rescheduled with the permission of the league secretary and agreement of both Captains.
A.4. Rule 17 The Principle Officers of the Association shall decide any matter in dispute and their decision shall be final, such matters should be submitted by email to the Webmaster for forwarding to the Officers.
Instead of the current rule :- The League Secretary, together with the Principle Officers of the Association shall decide any matter in dispute and their decision shall be final.
B. Bidgood league rule changes:
B.1. Rule 5 In September the list of clubs within each division for the following season will be published on the website. In addition the website "fixture process" will be updated specifying the home/away status for each competing club. Each club will agree with their opponents on which evening the match shall be played. Clubs may mutually agree to play on a weekend. Each club should submit a copy of its Bidgood fixture list to the Webmaster as soon as they have been agreed, but no later than the end of March prior to the season start.
Clubs MAY NOT mutually / independently agree to reverse the scheduled venue or change the scheduled venue to a neutral green. This is to avoid clubs having an imbalance between home and away games compared with the other clubs in the league.
In extreme circumstance (for example, inclement weather, green closure, green vandalism) clubs may submit an email request to the Webmaster asking for approval by an Officer to be allowed to make a venue change, to ensure that all fixtures are complete
​Instead of the current rule :- Each club entering the league shall be provided with a list of fixtures for each season.
In each week, the home club shall agree with the away club, on which evening the match shall be played. Clubs may mutually agree to play on an evening outside of the week allocated or on a weekend
Clubs MAY NOT mutually / independently agree to reverse the scheduled venue or change the scheduled venue to a neutral green. This is to avoid clubs having an imbalance between home and away games compared with the other clubs in the league.
In extreme circumstance (for example, inclement weather, green closure, green vandalism) and only with the prior agreement of the Bidgood League Secretary, clubs may be allowed to make a venue change at short notice, to ensure that all fixtures are completed.
​B.2. Rule 7 This should be deleted on the basis that rule 5 suggests that the evening is determined by agreement.
Current rule 7 states: The home club shall in each case decide which evening the match shall be played.
B.3. Rule 12 A club in contention for winning the league, or gaining promotion, cannot do so having taken advantage of a conceded game unless in the opinion of the Officers of the Association, “adequate attempts” have been made by both clubs to re arrange the game.
Instead of the current rule :- A club in contention for winning the league, or gaining promotion, cannot do so having taken advantage of a conceded game unless in the opinion of the Bidgood League Secretary, “adequate attempts” have been made by both clubs to re arrange the game.
B.4. Rule 17 After each fixture the home club submit the results via the website using the "results reporting" facility in addition the appropriate result sheet will signed by both Captains and retained by the home club for reference in case of any dispute of the results displayed on the website.
Instead of the current rule :- It is preferred that the Match result form be sent by e mail scan or jpeg image to the League Secretary within 24 hours. If this facility is not possible the result must be forwarded to the League Secretary the following day.
2-(5) 21/22 AGM Proposal No. 5 (25/10/2021) from Webmaster CARRIED
In accordance with Rule 3 of the Veterans League the following structure and make up of the Divisions for next season is submitted for approval at the AGM:
Division 1
Harrow A
Northwood A
Division 2
Bessingby Park
Harrow B
Stanmore B
Woodcock Park A
Division 3
Deane Park
Harrow Weald
Northwood B
West Harrow
Woodcock Park B
3-(1) 21/22 AGM Proposal No. 1 (17/08/2021) from Mill BC REJECTED
Rule 16 of the Bidgood League rules should be amended to require an additional four point deduction for any team conceding a match due to being unable to field a full team, in order to further dissuade teams from conceding matches.
The new rule would be:-
16) Should a club be unable to field a team or arrive short of the requisite number of players, the 4 points will awarded to the opponents, and 4 points will be deducted from the offending team. In addition, 5 shots will be added to the non-offending team score and 5 shots deducted from the offending teams score.
[ replacing the old rule of:-
16) Should a club be unable to field a team or arrive short of the requisite number of players, the points will be awarded to the opponents. In addition, 5 shots will be added to the non-offending team score and 5 shots deducted from the offending teams score. ]
4 - 21/22 AGM Proposal No.4 (23/09/2021) from Bessingby Park BC CARRIED
Rule 8 of the Vets League rules should be amended to allow any number of female players to play in matches.
In this day and age, it seems outrageous that a team can only pick a maximum of three female players. This makes a mockery of equal opportunities and essentially is discrimination. The league was originally a male only competition, but it needs to be brought into the 21st century. There are several clubs who have lots of female players who are very good.
The new rule would be:-
Rule 8 Every competing player shall be 60 years of age or over on the day of the fixture in question and must be a member of the club who they are representing. There are no restrictions on the number of ladies who make up the triples
Instead of the current rule :- Every competing player shall be 60 years of age or over on the day of the fixture in question and must be a member of the club who they are representing. A maximum of 3 ladies may play in each match. Each club may choose the composition of their own triples.
5-(2) 21/22 AGM Proposal No. 2 (08/10/2021) from Lupton BC REJECTED
As a result of the Covid 19 pandemic and the increased reluctance of people to associate with larger groups, many clubs have seen a reduction in their bowling membership and even within their bowling membership there has been some reluctance to participate in matches outside of their own club. Consequently with the reduced pool of able members to participate in matches there has been increased difficulty in clubs being able to field full squads on a consistent basis.
Therefore it is proposed that in future all Veterans League matches should consist of teams of two triples rather than the current three triples requirement
If this Veterans League proposal is accepted then it should also be decided whether it also applies to the Veterans League Cup
If the above proposal is accepted then the following rule changes would be required within the Veterans League rule:
Rule 7 i All matches will be 2 triples played over 18 ends.
(instead of 3 triples)
Rule 11 Method of scoring – 2 points for overall win, 1 point for a tie. 1 point for each winning triple, ½ point for each drawn triple. Thus there will be 4 points at stake in each match. Should one team arrive short of players, the full 4 points and +10 shots difference will be awarded to the opponents. If both teams arrive short of players the game will be void.
(instead of 5 points)
Rule 13 Should a team be unable to play on the date agreed, the full 4 points will be given to the opponents. In exceptional circumstances matches (including abandoned matches) may be rescheduled with the permission of the league secretary and agreement of both Captains
(instead of 5 points)
Rule 14 In the event of a match being abandoned before its full conclusion the result will stand provided that an aggregate of 18 ends has been played across the 2 triples. If 18 ends have not been played then either the points will be split 2 each or if a mutually convenient date can be arranged the match can be replayed.
(instead of 3 triples, and, 2.5 points)
If it is also adopted for the Veterans League Cup then the following rule changes would be required:-
Rule 6 i All matches will be 2 triples of 18 ends. The aggregate score will decide the winner. In the event of the fixture being drawn all three triples will play one extra end. If the aggregate scores are still level another extra end will be played by all 2 triples until a result is reached.
(instead of 3 triples)
Rule 7 In the event of a match being abandoned before its full conclusion the result will stand provided that an aggregate of 18 ends has been played across the 2 triples. If 18 ends have not been played then the match can be replayed on a mutually convenient date subject to rules 9 & 10 being complied with. If a mutually convenient date is not available then the result will be decided by the toss of a coin.
(instead of 3 triples)
7 - 21/22 AGM Proposal No. 7 (4/11/2021) from Treasurer CARRIED
It is proposed that all fees remain the same as 2019 for the year 2021-22
(Note - details of the current financial position of the Association will be presented at the AGM.)