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Harrow and District Bowling Association Archived News

January 2022 to December 2022 News


25th November 2022

Our sincere condolences go to the family of Michael Waterford  of West Harrow B.C. who sadly passed away of pneumonia/old age while at Northwick Park Hospital on 1st November.   The family wish to let all those that knew him that :


On Thursday 1st December.

He will be laying in rest at St Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church, South Ruislip. A service will be held at 5pm.  This is open for anyone to attend if you wish.  


Then on Friday 2nd December. 

The funeral service will be at 12pm at St Gregory the Great Church in South Ruislip.


We will then move on to Breakspear crematorium in Ruislip for a short service at 1.30pm.


This will then be followed by a celebration of his life at The Breakspear Arms, Ruislip around 2pm.


Please feel free to join us for all or part of these two days, we would like to send him off surrounded by as many people that knew and loved him as possible. 


Catherine and Christopher


18th November 2022

Without West Harrow, six clubs within Bidgood Division 2 have been left with a home/away split of 5:3 or 3:5.   To rectify this situation and give all clubs in the Division an equitable 4:4 split the six clubs have been advised to change the location for just one of their matches.   The revised schedule is now shown on the "Fixture Process" web page.  For reference the original schedule can still be found below the Revised Schedule.


17th November 2022

West Harrow will not be participating in the Bidgood League in 2023.


12th November 2022

Rule changes for Bidgood, Veterans, and Veterans Cup approved at the AGM have now been incorporated into the Rules pages on the website.


8th November 2022

Apologies for any delay , I have been away.   The minutes for the recent AGM can now be found in the News and Admin section under "83rd AGM - 26th Oct 2022"

All the submitted proposals are listed under the minutes.   The appropriate web site pages will be updated with the carried proposals over the next few days, as well as setting up the site for the 2023 season, I will advise once completed. In the meantime the details of the changes can be found within the proposals if you should need them.

Note due to rejection of proposal M the Bidgood league will remain as it was so the Club Fixture Secretaries may continue to use the Home/Away fixtures as scheduled under the Bidgood "fixture process" (for 2023)


6th October 2022

Proposal N, received 3rd October, has now been added to the "AGM Proposals" page.


21st September 2022

Proposals M added to the "AGM Proposals" page


8th September 2022

Congratulations to Pinner the Vets league Cup winners for 2022.

Full details on the "Veterans Results and Fixtures" page.


5th September 2022

Proposals J to L added to the "AGM Proposals" page


Congratulations to the Finals Day winners, summary of all the winners and runners up can be found on the "Competition Results and Fixtures" page


4th September 2022

In accordance with "rule 5" of the Bidgood League the Home and Away designations for Bidgood 2023 are now displayed on the "Bidgood Fixture Process" page.


2nd September 2022

Proposals H and I added to the "AGM Proposals" page 



Congratulations to the following teams:

Vets Div 1-         Northwood "A"  - overall Champions

Vets Div 2 -         Stanmore "B"  -  promoted to Div 1

Vets Div 3 -         Harrow Weald  - promoted to Div 2

Bidgood Div 1 -  The Mill   -          overall Champions

Bidgood Div 2 -   Pinner "B" -       1st place promoted to Div 1

Bidgood Div 2 -   Kingsbury  -       2nd place promoted to Div 1


Also we would like to welcome Kingsbury who will be joining Div 3 of the vets league next season.


Commiserations  to the following teams:

Vets Div 1 -        Century -     returning to Div 2

Vets Div 2 -       Harrow "B" - returning to Div 3

Bidgood Div 1 - Harrow "B" and Ladygate moving to Div 2


Link to "Final Summary of League Tables" for those interested.


30th August 2022

Note a couple of name changes for the Finals Day Agenda, B.Harthog replaces A.Cohen in the fours, and P.Taggart replaces P.Lewis in the Coronation Shield


26th August 2022

"AGM Proposals" page (under News and Admin) now updated for proposals A to G.


25th Aug 2022

The order of play for "Finals Day at Eastcote Bowling Club on 3rd September" is now published under the Competitions Tab.


Please also Note that the 83rd AGM is now confirmed as Wednesday 26th October at 7.30 pm at Century Bowling Club, Between 51 and 53 Logan Road, Wembley, HA9 8PY.


The deadline for any AGM proposals is therefore Wednesday 5th October.   Please see the "Proposals" page under the News and Admin tab for the method of submitting and approving your proposals.


4th Aug 2022

The AGM is not far off (details will be posted when confirmed towards the end of this month) so if you have any proposals to put forward now is the time to be putting them together in order to meet the deadline of submission 3 weeks before the AGM. 

See "AGM Proposals" under the News & Admin tab for the submission process and/or view "82nd AGM" for examples submitted last year.


15th July 2022

Below are the details provided by the family for the funeral of Cyril and Pam.   Please note the request to advise the family if you also intend to join them at the Woodman so that they can cater appropriately.


Funeral arrangements for Pam and Cyril Balaam

Sadly our parents passed away on the 5th July 2022, if you would like to join the family in celebrating Pam and Cyril's lives, the funeral is taking place at 12.45pm on Tuesday 16th August at Breakspear West Crematorium Ruislip HA4 7SJ, following on after at The Woodman, Joel Street, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 2PR a seven minute drive away (not to be confused with The Woodman opposite the Crematorium).

We would love to share this occasion with Pam and Cyril's friends, please do let us know if you intend to join us, so that the venue can cater for everyone, please also advise of any dietary requirements. RSVP to Nicola on or 07533700874

Thank you
Terry, Mark and Nicola

Family flowers only please, if you wish to make a donation to charity on Pam and Cyril's behalf, this can be done at the funeral, on the charity website or via the funeral directors G Saville and Son who will forward cheques or cash on your behalf, any donations will be shared amongst the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Charity and the Alzheimer's Society.

If you are unable to join us in person, but would like to attend the funeral virtually webcast details for the service for Pamela and Cyril Balaam at 12:45 on Tuesday 16th August, at Breakspear West, run by G Saville & Son are as below.

Watching webcast live







12th July 2022

It is with great sadness that we announce the deaths of Cyril and Pam Balaam who recently died within days of each other.   Cyril had been a long standing member, and President, of Lupton Bowling Club. Funeral arrangements are as yet unknown.


14th May 2022

It has been highlighted that some clubs have scheduled Veterans matches after 31st August 2022.   This is contrary to rule 6 of the Vets League, as such the results of those matches will not be included in the final league tables unless they are rescheduled to on or before 31st August 2022.


3rd May 2022

Corrections made to Competition contact phone numbers for D.Greenston (Stanmore)


28th April 2022

Corrections made to Competition contact phone numbers for M.Mitchell (Northwood) and R.Segalov (Pinner)


5th April 2022

Bryns funeral will be held at Breakspear West at 2.45pm on Monday 25th April.


29th March 2022

Sadly I have to announce that our long serving Treasurer, Bryn Grewcock, has passed away this morning after extended bouts of ill health.   We wish his family our sincere condolences.


6th March 2022

The competition schedules are now all populated with the locations for the semi finals and finals, note there is a slight change to the dates for the Vets League Cup semi finals and Finals.


20th February 2022

The following contact details have now been updated for 2022:

"Competition Contacts"

"Competition team club contacts"

"Vets League and League Cup contacts"


16th February2022

A.We still need a venue for the Veterans League Cup Semis and Final on the 6th and 8th September 2022, Could you please contact Rod Fraser if your club can host both these events.


B.There have been a few adjustments to the competition draws:

The singles semis is due to be held on the 15th August (not 22nd).

There is one additional bye in the Pairs and three in the Triples.

A correction of team leader in the Fours.

Apologies to those of you who have already printed off the tables.


8th February 2022

The draws for the various 2022 competitions and the associated cut-off dates have now been completed and can be seen by clicking the links on the "competition results and fixtures" page under competitions tab, except for the Veterans League Cup which is on the "Veterans results and fixtures" page under the Veterans tab.


Contact details for all entrants will be added later this month in plenty of time to arrange your matches.


Note the locations for some of the semi-finals have not yet been confirmed and will be added as determined.

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