Founded 1938
The Home/Away designation for the season will, except for exceptional circumstances, be the reverse of the previous season for clubs remaining in their division, for those teams promoted or relegated the Home/Away designation for the games will be determined by the Webmaster with aim of achieving an even balance of home and away fixtures for all teams. The fixture designations for the following season will be published on the web site in September (note under rule 5 clubs must use the venue as specified in the schedule no variations are allowed).
Clubs with 2 teams must email the names of players in each squad to the webmaster at h.and.dba@outlook.com before the season starts, as laid out in rule 6 of the Bidgood league.
Result cards will no longer be provided by the District, please print as many as you need from the result card web page. Please remember to make Team Captains aware of the procedure for advising the results ie:
1. Home Team Captain to submit the results to the website using the results reporting facility
2. The Result Sheet signed by both Captains to be retained by the Home team in case of dispute.
3. In addition for 2023 season onwards for matches that involve clubs that have two teams an electronic copy of the signed results sheet listing the names of the "A" and/or "B" team players should be sent to the official nominated on the "results reporting procedure" page (2024 -Andy Docker).From 2025 onwards this point 3 no longer applies , just retain a copy in case of dispute , no copies need to be sent.
Home / Away Fixture Schedule for 2025 - published 30 sept 2024
Note for 2025 as well as the usual promotions and demotions there are also the following changes:
Pinner "A" in division 2 in 2024 has ceased and Pinner "B" in division 1 is renamed as Pinner.
Eastcote has entered an additional team the new team in division 2 is Field End (Revised - original 30/9/24 schedule showed Eastcote B as the name) - Revised again 13/10/24 Field End have withdrawn their application to join , note there is no change to any of the Home/Away designations.
West Harrow Community Bowls Club has also joined division 2
Home / Away Fixture Schedule for 2024 - published 21 sept 2023 -revised Nov 2023
Revision corrects Cavendish row re Harrow Weald and Uxbridge as well as removing Stanmore B