Founded 1938

Competitions and League Tables
Note League Tables updated within 24 hours of match results reported on the website (For 2025 onwards this also applies to Coronation Shield, Portman Cup and Vets Cup). So please remember to do the electronic reporting which can be done on any smart phone or computer.
Latest News
see News & Admin tab for all recent and archived news
The Competition Rules page has been updated to reflect the changes detailed in the 85th AGM - 16th Oct 2024 minutes. There is also an amendment to rule 10 of the Vets League Cup to reflect the approved change of rule 8 of the Competition rules.
Kingsbury have confirmed that for 2025 they will be continuing in the Bidgood League and available for friendlies but will be withdrawing from the Vets League.
A copy of the minutes of the 85th AGM now on website under News & Admin 85th AGM - 16th Oct 2024 site still yet to be updated for changes approved.
Field End have withdrawn their application to join the Bidgood league. The Fixture Process schedule has been updated to reflect this, Note there have been no changes to the remaining Home/Away designations.
Minor amendment to the Bidgood "Fixture Process" Schedule. The Original scheduled showed the provisional name of Eastcote B for the team in Division 2 which was finally named "Field End" and which the schedule now reflects. Home/Away designations all remain the same.
Proposal H for the AGM has been amended to highlight the different reporting requirement for the Portman Trophy, Coronation Shield and Veterans League Cup. (amendment highlighted in red)
Fixture Secretaries please not the details page for the Veterans and Bidgood have been updated to reflect the teams by Division for 2025 taking account of normal promotions and relegations plus new entrants and withdrawn entrants, in addition the Bidgood Fixture Process page has been updated with the Home and away designations for 2025.
Apologies to Harrow B.C. , in Proposal N for the AGM I missed the part that specified that at least one of the proposed three dates must be a Saturday or Sunday for the benefit of those who still work. I have updated the Proposal accordingly.
We have been unable to find a new Competition Secretary to take on all the duties previously done by Rod Frazer. It has therefore been necessary to restructure the administration of the competitions in order that they may still continue next season. As a result several of the Competition Rules require amendments to reflect the new structure. All the related proposed changes proposed by the Executive Committee are listed on the AGM proposals page, being proposals B to M inclusive.
In addition Harrow BC have submitted two additional proposals (N & O) independent of the above.
The 85th AGM will be held on Wednesday 16th October at 7.00pm at Century B.C.
Any proposals for the AGM should be submitted by 20th September for inclusion in the agenda. See the "AGM Proposals" page under News & Admin for the submission process, and any proposals so far submitted.
1. The 2024 Competitions Finals Day schedule can now be viewed under the Competitions tab "Finals Day 2024"
2. Herga Indoor Bowls club have asked us to notify you that they are holding an open day on 6th October 2024, as per attached notification on temporary page "Herga Open Day" within the News and Admin section- note that the page will be removed after the open day.
3. First AGM proposal has been added see "AGM Proposals"
There will be no H&D competitions in 2025 unless someone takes up the role of Competition Secretary. Please contact the Secretary, Steve Flain on 07400 340270 or by email stephenflain@hotmail.co.uk
if you are willing to take on this role.
Also please note that if in 2025 your club wishes to join one of our leagues or add an additional team the deadline for registering your intent is 31st July 2024. Please register your intent by email to h.and.dba@outlook.com
News and Admin section now contains a page with the link to the World Bowls website, specifically the Laws of the Sport page which has a link to the Crystal Mark fourth Edition and revisions thereto in case you need to refer to it where our District rules do not explicitly cover certain aspects and rely on the world Bowls standard instead.
Good news there is a new bowls club in the District:- The "West Harrow Community Bowls Club". Although it is too late for them to join our leagues this season they are ready and able and keen to play friendlies with any clubs who have a free slot on their fixture list.
To arrange a game with them their contact is their Secretary, Alan James tel: 0780 1644914, email: westharrowbowls24@gmail.com
In preparation for 2025 when all clubs will need a "safeguarding policy" and an officer responsible for the policy, the Harrow and District policy is now included in the News and Admin section under Safeguarding Policy any questions or guidance for this policy should be referred to Andy Docker.
If your club is not already participating in these leagues and wishes to do so, or you already are but wish to enter additional teams, then please note you must register your intent by 31st July in the year prior to the season start.
To register your intent send your details in an email to the
Webmaster at h.and.dba@outlook.com
an email confirming receipt will be sent back to you, and your request will be passed to the relevant Officers for approval.
Note for season 2025 clubs with more than one team no longer need to submit details of who played for the team instead they should retain copies of scorecards or sheets so that in case of any dispute raised evidence is available of who actually played
Welcome to the Website for the Harrow & District Bowling Association.
Launched in April 2006 it aims to keep you up to date with all the major issues affecting the Association and its members, including Competition results, Veteran's results, Bidgood results and representatIve fixtures.
Please take a wander through the site and forward any comments or suggestions (things you want added / incorrect info displayed etc) to the e mail h.and.dba@outlook.com which can also be found at the bottom of every page).