Founded 1938

AGM Proposals
This page will be used to collate proposals for future AGMs. Only "Club contacts" as listed on the Club Details and Contacts page under the News and Admin tab (who will be assumed to be acting on behalf of, and with the authority of, their respective Clubs), or "Officials" as listed on the Officials Page will be able to submit proposals which should be sent to the Webmaster via email. If you do not meet these criteria you will need to submit your proposal via your "Club contact" as indicated above. Officers reserve the right not to publish any proposals they deem to be inappropriate.
Proposals will be published as submitted (copied and pasted) along with the name of the Club, or Official making the proposal so please ensure it is correctly and appropriately worded before submission. Any proposed rule changes should include details of the existing rule to be changed including the current wording and paragraph reference numbers as currently displayed on this web site, as well as the new specific wording of the revised rule. If it is a proposed new rule rather than a change please indicate this in your proposal.
Final acceptance or rejection of any proposal will be sanctioned at the AGM as per normal, though "proposers' " will have the option to withdraw their proposal in advance of the AGM if they so wish. In order for a proposal to be voted on at the AGM it will be necessary for another Club or Officer to formally "second" the proposal in person at the AGM.
Season 24/25 Proposals for 85th AGM on 16th October 2024 at 7.00pm at Century B.C.
All proposals to be received by no later than 20th September 2024
Proposal A 25/8/24 from Webmaster - Competition Rule 14 change
Current rule 14.(iii) and 14.(iv) advise whether a result is achieved if a game has played less than or more than 10 ends, it does not cater for exactly 10 ends; the following amendment is proposed:
Competition rule 14. (iv) If the match has started and 10 or more ends are recorded, the result will stand at the point where the match is stopped.
instead of current rule:- If the match has started and more than 10 ends are recorded, the result will stand at the point where the match is stopped.
FYI rule 14. (iii) states: If the match has started and less than 10 ends are completed, the match shall be restarted on a mutually acceptable date, subject to point 14(ii) above, on the same green with the same players as if no interruption had occurred. In a team event if the same players are not available on an alternative mutually acceptable date then the match should be restarted.
Following the resignation of the Competition Secretary, in order to enable the continuation of the competitions for next season it has been necessary to restructure the manner in which they will be supported with each of the competitions having its own dedicated recorder rather than the Competition Secretary being responsible for all. This has resulted in the need to revamp several of the Competition Rules as proposed by the Executive Committee in proposals B to M below.
Proposal B 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 2 to be changed to:
2. The Competitions shall be controlled by the Competition Secretary, or in their absence the Executive Committee, with the help of Recorders allocated to each Competition to collect and report the result of games. Any appeal against rulings made should be referred to the Executive Committee. On finals day the appointed Umpires decision will be final.
Instead of current Rule 2:
2. The Competitions shall be controlled by the Competition Secretary. A sub committee, appointed by the Executive Committee, shall be appointed to determine all disputes which do not fall under the scope of the Competition Secretaries duties or any appeal against the Competition Secretaries decision. On finals day the appointed Umpires decision will be final.
Proposal C 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 3 to be changed to:
3. All entries must be from the members of affiliated Clubs and shall be sent to the Harrow and District Treasurer with the appropriate fees, through the entrant’s HDBA representative at their Club or Club Secretary, before the closing date at the end of December.
Instead of current Rule 3:
3. All entries must be from actual members of affiliated clubs and shall be received by the Competition Secretary, together with entrance fees on the Summary form through the entrant’s Club Secretary before the closing date at the end of December
Proposal D 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 4 - Replace Competition Secretary with Executive Committee:
4. Protests shall be made within 24 hours of the playing of the tie, with a clear written statement, of the point at issue. A protest against any conditions under which a tie is played must be made to the opponent, or opponents, recorded on the score card and notified to the Executive Committee immediately after the game. The game should be completed as if no protest had been made.
Proposal E 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 5 to be changed to:
5. The draw shall be made in its entirety by at least two Executive Committee members, the first out being the Challenger and the second the Opponent. The draw and updates to the draw will be posted on the HDBA Website.
Instead of current Rule 5:
5. The draw shall be made in its entirety, the first out being the Challenger, and the second, the Opponent. The result of the draw, will be distributed at the April Executive meeting and placed on the website as soon as practical there after. Updates of the draw will be notified to each clubs nominated contact as soon as possible after the completion of the previous round.
Proposal F 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 6(iii) - Replace Competition Secretary with Recorder for that competition:
6(iii). If the opponent has not received an offer in line with 6(i) then he should contact the Challenger and offer dates. The opponent, at this point, becomes the home player and must notify the Recorder for that competition of the situation without delay.
Proposal G 20/9/24 - Delete Rule 6(iv) as there are no longer any H & DBA tours
6(iv). If at all possible dates offered shall not be offered to coincide with the H & DBA Tour.
Proposal H 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 8 to be changed to: (revision added 30/9/24 in red type below)
8. All rounds to be played-off, on or before the dates fixed. Results of Competitions should be notified as soon as possible after the game to the Recorder for that Competition, whose name and contact details are shown on the top of the Draw for that Competition on the HDBA website.
The information required is the name of the competition, the winner, and the score. In the case of a team game the winning players shall also all be named. The only allowed methods for sending in the result are Text message or email message, or in the case of the Portman, the Coronation Shield, and the Veterans League Cup results will be submitted via the website in a similar way to the method used for reporting League results. Sending scoresheets is no longer a requirement.
Instead of current Rule 8:
8. All rounds to be played-off, on or before the dates fixed. Results to be notified to the Competition Secretary, as soon as possible after the game, and before 10.30 p.m.
Proposal I 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 9 to be changed to:
9. Results MUST reach the Recorder for that Competition, whose name and contact details are shown on the top of the Draw for that Competition on the HDBA website, by 10.30pm on the last day of the round. Failure to comply with this rule WILL result in disqualification of BOTH Players / Teams.
Instead of current Rule 9:
9. Results MUST reach the Competition Secretary no later than 10 30 p.m. on the last day of the round, by telephone if necessary. Failure to comply with this rule WILL result in disqualification of BOTH Players / Teams.
Proposal J 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 10 to be changed to:
10. Scorecards signed by both players/skips should be retained by the winner as evidence of the result in case of any dispute
Instead of current Rule 10:
10. A score card for each game, signed by both players / skips, and bearing the numbers of the Competitors, must be forwarded ( scanned cards sent electronically are also acceptable) to the Competition Secretary to confirm the result within 24 hours of the game being played, (postmark to decide). The onus of making such a return shall be with the Winner. Failing compliance, the defaulting player will be "scratched".
Proposal K 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 11 - Replace Competition Secretary with Recorder for that competition:
11. The generally accepted start time for matches will be 6.15pm Monday to Friday and 10a.m. Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. Matches can be played at any other convenient time subject to mutual agreement. If a competitor arrives more than 30 minutes after the time fixed for the game, the other may claim a "walk over". Such claims must be made to the Recorder for that competition by 10.30 p.m. on the scheduled date of the game in accordance with Rule 8.
Proposal L 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 13 - add in Executive Committee
13. The Committee Secretary, or in their absence the Executive Committee, will determine the period of time between rounds, and these must be strictly adhered to. No extension of time will be allowed, except in unusual circumstances. (see Rule 14 ).
Proposal M 20/9/24 - Competition Rule 16 first paragraph to be changed to reflect past practice of allocating Semi-Finals venues prior to knowing who will be competing:
16. The Semi-Finals (except Portman Trophy and Coronation Shield) will be played on specified dates and venue set by the Competition Secretary
The Portman Semi will be played on a fixed date with the venue determined by the Competition Secretary. The Coronation Shield Semi will be played on a fixed date on a Home / Away basis as all previous rounds.
2 Woods - will be played to 21 ends not 21 shots in line with County and National versions.
The Finals will be played on the first Saturday in September on a green selected by the Executive Committee or Sub-Committee.
Instead of current Rule 16:
16. The Semi-Finals (except Portman Trophy and Coronation Shield) will be played on specified dates set by the Competition Secretary on neutral greens unless the 2 players / sides are from the same club then they can choose to use their own green. The green to be organised by the Challenger but must be mutually agreed. The opponent can, if they wish, agree to play on the challenger's green and Vice Versa. In the event that a mutual green cannot be mutually agreed the Competition Secretary will determine the venue.
The Portman Semi will be played on a fixed date with the venue determined by the Competition Secretary. The Coronation Shield Semi will be played on a fixed date on a Home / Away basis as all previous rounds.
2 Woods - will be played to 21 ends not 21 shots in line with County and National versions.
The Finals will be played on the first Saturday in September on a green selected by the Executive Committee or Sub-Committee.
Proposal N 20/9/24 from Harrow BC - Amend Rule 6(i) to offer three instead of two dates which would also be consistent with the Vets League Cup rule and make at least one of those dates a Saturday or Sunday for the benefit of workers.
6 (i) Within 96 hours of the start of a round the Challenger (except in the Portman and Coronation Shield) must offer the Opponent three dates. If it is the opening round of a Competition then dates must be offered by at least 20 days before the end of the round. These dates must not be within 48 hours of the date the offer is being made, may not be consecutive and must not be a Bank Holiday unless mutually agreed by the opponent at least one date must be a Saturday or a Sunday. Upon receipt of the offer the opponent must accept one of the dates within 48 hours.
If the first round of the competition ends on April 27th then dates must be offered by April 6th. if the offer is made on
April 6th then the first eligible date would be April 9th, the offer would have to be accepted by April 8th. If the 2nd
round starts on April 28th then dates must be offered by May 1st.
Proposal O 20/9/24 from Harrow BC - to amend the total scoring of the Portman results to points rather than shots
Either a. The Portman trophy is played on the basis of 1 point per discipline rather than shots. 1 point for the singles, pairs and triples. In the event of a tie 0.5 point each in the pairs and triples. In the event of a tie overall, the triples play an extra end as per the existing arrangements.
Or b. If proposal "a" above is NOT approved, then continue with the existing arrangements but start the singles approximately 1 hour after the pairs and triples.
Proposal P -